New Assistant Principal joins the team at Chief Sealth
Tue, 05/22/2012
Principal at Chief Sealth International High School, Christopher Kinsey shared with us a letter he has sent to the community regarding the school's new Assistant Principal Andra Maughan,
Greetings CSIHS Community,
As we begin to close out our school year, I wanted to share with you an important addition to our staff for the 2012-2013 school year. Below is an email I sent to our staff today welcoming our new Assistant Principal, Andra Maughan.
I am writing this email to provide you all with an update on our Assistant Principal position. This has been an extensive process, and I want to thank everyone who participated on the screening and interview committees. The candidates have gone through a rigorous process which included a 45-minute, site-based interview and a school visit consisting of classroom walk throughs, tours, and a meet-and-greet with staff.
Yesterday, I made a recommendation to Human Resources and today, Andra Maughan, accepted the offer to be our new Assistant Principal at Chief Sealth International High School. Andra comes to us via West Seattle High School (we won’t hold that against her) where she is currently working as a teacher while completing her administrative internship. Prior to this school year she has worked for Seattle Schools as a Special Education Consulting Teacher and as a Special Education Coordinator for the Northwest School of Innovative Learning in Kirkland. I am confident that her leadership and instructional skills will be an asset to our CSIHS community.
Andra and I are currently working together to create a transition plan that will allow her to visit Sealth over the next few weeks so she can begin to acclimate herself to our community. Please welcome and congratulate Andra Maughan!
I am excited for the Sealth Community and am looking forward to what the future holds for our school.
Chris Kinsey
Chief Sealth International High School
Fostering global awareness and academic success through a challenging and engaging curriculum in a safe and supportive environment.