It's empty now but work is expected to begin soon now that the permits for Marination have been approved by the City of Seattle DPD. Marination offers a blend of korean/hawaiian style food. They operate a mobile food truck and maintain a bricks and mortar location
Marination, the Hawaiian-Korean food vendor who won the contract to move into the space at Seacrest Park late last year has finally gotten the go ahead to proceed from the city. The permit decision states : "expansion of an existing restaurant within existing building envelope. Project includes interior alterations and replacement of patio railing. No proposed changes to existing parking or 2,109 sq. ft. patio."
Marination won't expand the existing building footprint according to the permit and Alki Kayak Tours, operating in the adjacent space will sign a new sub lease with Marination as soon as that is practical.
The King County Water Taxi operates daily from the pier at the park.