Sunrise Heights/Westwood neighborhoods to get firsthand preview of Barton CSO rain garden changes, June 23 and 24
Tue, 06/19/2012
King County Wastewater Treatment open house information
King County is planning a series of Block Open Houses on Saturday and Sunday, June 23 and 24, to share current rain garden designs for individual blocks and answer questions about how community input is shaping the project’s design. Each block will have a scheduled time to meet with project staff members over the course of the weekend. Watch for an invitation via email and hand delivered to homes with the time and date details for each block.
As a reminder, you can find the current rain garden locations on the Barton CSO Control Project ‘project area and elements’ webpage:….
If you do not live on a block slated to receive rain gardens, you are welcome to attend any of the sessions but we will focus on answering questions for those residents whose blocks will be affected.
We hope you can make it!
Kristine Cramer
Community Services and Environmental Planning | Wastewater Treatment Division
Open house details
On June 23 and 24, project staff will go block-by-block (see map) in the Sunrise Heights and Westwood neighborhoods to share design proposals, answer questions, and take input from residents. People will also be able to see images of bioretention systems around the region and look at examples of plants that may be used in the planting strips. The site visit schedule is as follows:
Saturday, June 23
9 a.m.
·7300 block of 30th Avenue Southwest
·7500 block of 34th Avenue Southwest
·7700 block of 31st Avenue Southwest
·7900 block of 30th Avenue Southwest
·Southwest Othello Street between 30th Avenue Southwest and 31st Avenue Southwest
11 a.m.
·7300 block of 31stt Avenue Southwest
·7500 block of 32nd Avenue Southwest
·7700 block of 32nd Avenue Southwest
·7900 block of 31st Avenue Southwest
·Southwest Elmgrove between 31st Avenue Southwest and 32nd Avenue Southwest
1 p.m.
·7300 block of 32nd Avenue Southwest
·7500 block of 31st Avenue Southwest
·7700 block of 34th Avenue Southwest
·7900 block of 34th Avenue Southwest
·Southwest Elmgrove between 34th Avenue Southwest and 35th Avenue Southwest
3 p.m.
·7300 block of 34th Avenue Southwest
·7500 block of 30th Avenue Southwest
·8400 block of 34th Avenue Southwest
·Southwest Cloverdale Street between 34th Avenue Southwest and 32nd Avenue Southwest
·Southwest Kenyon Street between 34th Avenue Southwest and 31st Avenue Southwest
Sunday, June 24
1 p.m.
·8400 block of 31st Avenue Southwest
·Southwest Cloverdale Street between 31st Avenue Southwest and 30th Avenue Southwest
·8800 block of 31st Avenue Southwest
·8600 block of 34th Avenue Southwest
·8100 block of 31st Avenue Southwest
3 p.m.
·8100 block of 30th Avenue Southwest
·8600 block of 30th Avenue Southwest
·8600 block of 31st Avenue Southwest
·8800 block of 31st Avenue Southwest
Additional note
Sabrina Urquhart, a critic of King County's plan to install bioretention swales in Sunrise Heights and Westwood neighborhoods, shared a link to a community-born website called "West Seattle Raingardens," covering neighborhood concerns about the project and offering a petition to sign.