REMINDER: Informational session on Burien's annexation plan tonight: June 21, 6 p.m.
Thu, 06/21/2012
Information from the City of Burien
June 21, 6 pm
3:14 Bakery, 9602 16th Ave. S.W. in White Center
Annexation of North Highline
The Burien City Council on April 2 adopted a resolution that requests King County to place on the Nov. 6, 2012, General Election ballot a proposition concerning annexation of the North Highline Area "Y" annexation area. Residents of the proposed annexation area would vote on whether to become part of the City of Burien. The proposed annexation area includes the unincorporated remainder of North Highline, which takes in White Center, Top Hat, Beverly Park, Glendale, and portions of Boulevard Park, Riverton Heights and Shorewood. Burien annexed the southern section of North Highline in 2010.
At its Oct. 3 meeting, the Council approved an "intent to annex" resolution that set in motion the formal annexation process. The annexation proposal went before Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County, which conducted a public hearing Jan. 9 and 10 before voting to accept the proposal on Feb. 16. If approved by voters, the annexation could take effect in spring 2013.
If you are unable to attend tonight's meeting, another is scheduled for July 12:
July 12, 6 pm
DubSea Coffee, 9910 8th Ave. S.W. in White Center