The Green Boulevard project, aimed at creating a more attractive entry to West Seattle is set for its first open house on July 19 at the West Seattle Senior Center starting at 4pm.
SDOT is working on a a conceptual design to transform a section of West Seattle between 35th s.w. and s.w. Alaska Streets, creating a "Fauntleroy Way SW Green Boulevard."
The project seeks to transform this section of the corridor into more of a gateway into West Seattle. The alternatives could include elements such as a landscaped boulevard, planted medians, better pedestrian zones, lighting, and better crossing movements. This is all part of a larger plan that originates from the West Seattle Streetscapes Concept Plan.
An open house on the idea is now set for July 19 at the West Seattle Senior Center, 4217 s.w. Oregon Street beginning at 4:00pm and running until 6:00.
Yun Pitre, District Coordinator at City of Seattle said, "We are inviting community members to come to the open house and review the alternatives, share their thoughts on the conceptual design plan and generally let us know what is most important to them about this section of the corridor.
"Funding right now, only allows for a conceptual design (10%) and a proposed alternative to be selected this year. Funding would still need to be secured to move this project into a design greater than 10% and then into physical construction."
For more information visit SDOT's page about this: