Nancy Woodland, who was selected as Grand Marshal for the West Seattle Grand Parade was practicing her best parade wave and getting ready to Stuff the Bus on Sunday, July 22. The effort is aimed at collecting as many disposable diapers as possible for WestSide Baby to distribute them to disadvantaged or low income families.
UPDATE July 22:
Nancy Woodland, the Executive Director for WestSide Baby has shared the news that the Stuff the Bus diaper drive staged on Sunday July 22 was hugely successful. She wrote "215,000 diapers total so far from Stuff the Bus (diapers plus money turned into diapers). Plus 100,000 in the match from National Diaper bank Network."
Original Post
WestSide Baby's annual campaign to get donations of disposable diapers to quite literally "Stuff the Bus" is back and happening on Sunday, July 22 at American West Bank located at 4022 Alaska Street s.w. from 10am to 2pm.
Nancy Woodland, Executive Director of the organization was chosen as the Grand Marshal of the West Seattle Grand Parade and WestSide Baby is part of that event too. She urges people to bring diapers and donate them. "I'm thrilled to be part of this because this to me, as a kid is the thing that grown ups did and famous people did and I'm neither one of those things and bring more visibility to WestSide Baby. I'm excited to be the Grand Poopah,"
We have a match again this year 2 for 1 from Kimberly-Clark the maker of Huggies and we are hoping to collect 150,000 diapers total but 50,000 the day of Stuff the Bus."
This event is part of a larger effort in which in 50 days with 50 diaper drives the goal is to amass 50,000 diapers. You can host your own diaper drive (it's easy) at home, work or place of worship. To learn more visit
"We are ten diaper drives short of our goal," said Woodland.
"My favorite one is a diaper drive competition between two businesses to see who can do more."
WestSide Baby Events:
July 21 @ 11am: West Seattle American Legion Grand Parade led by
Grand Marshal Woodland
July 21 @ 11am-2pm: Stuff the Bus BBQ at West Seattle Thriftway
July 21 @ 4-7pm: Grocery store diaper drives at Jefferson Square
Safeway, Roxbury Safeway, and Junction QFC
July 21 @ Dark: West Seattle Movies on the Wall "Pretty in Pink" Diaper
Drive and WestSide Baby Concessions. (Gates open at 6:30)
July 22 @ 10am-2pm: Grocery store diaper drives at same locations