The first West Seattle outdoor movie opening the season for the series is the Pretty in Pink, the classic 1980's teen angst film by John Hughes starring Molly Ringwald, Jon Cryer and Harry Dean Stanton.
Pre-Show entertainment will be provided by Bob "Bearcat" Rice and the film is presented by Bakery Nouveau, Dream Dinners, Nicholson Kovalchik Architects, Pediatric Speech and Language Therapy.
You are urged to bring blankets, chairs family and friends to 4410 California Ave. s.w. (between Hotwire Coffee and Dr. Wolff.
All movies are FREE.
West Seattle Outdoor Movies are presented by the West Seattle Junction. You can learn more by visiting or on their Facebook page.
The West Seattle Herald previewed the entire summer series here…
NOTE: The previously scheduled Thrive Through Cancer event including the showing of the film 50/50 and the testimony of cancer survivors has been rescheduled to August 10. A $10 donation is requested for that event.