Middle College High School, an alternative high school that called the South Seattle Community College campus home for around 15 years, has found a new space at the High Point Community Center Building (6400 Sylvan Way S.W.) in West Seattle, according to Carmela Dellino, executive director of schools, Southwest Region.
Middle College lost its space at the SSCC campus before the 2012-2013 school year and was originally supposed to move to the Louisa Boren Junior High Building on Delridge, sharing the space with a new K-5 STEM program, but that plan fell through.
“The space at the High Point Center is well-suited for our small Middle College Program and is conveniently located with easy bus line access for our high school students,” Dellino said in a statement.
“We appreciate the feedback from our families, and we worked very closely with the Middle College Principal, Cindy Nash, as we developed a solution we believe will benefit both our Middle College and K-STEM families,” she continued.
MCHS states their mission is to “help formerly unsuccessful high school students ages 16 to 20 realize their vast potential through a curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking and social justice.”