Open House scheduled (Oct. 2) for Delridge Way S.W. paving project to begin in January
Thu, 09/20/2012
Press release
The Seattle Department of Transportation will rebuild approximately one mile of Delridge Way SW, beginning in January. The Bridging the Gap funded project will repair the road and install new storm water detention capacity beneath it from SW Orchard to SW Henderson Street. The project may also include Delridge Way SW and 16th Avenue SW, both between SW Henderson and SW Roxbury streets. These added segments depend on the results of construction bids as well as potential savings from other projects wrapping up this fall that might be applied to this project.
A pre-construction Open House is scheduled for October 2, to provide area residents and businesses with more information on the upcoming project:
Tuesday, October 2
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Learning Resource Center (also known as International Library)
Chief Sealth High School
2600 S.W. Thistle Street
Construction to rebuild Delridge Way SW is expected to take 9 to 12 months, depending on the final scope of the project. SDOT will advertise for construction bids this month. To minimize construction impacts to the nearby community, the work will be done in phases, in two to three block increments beginning at SW Henderson and moving northward.
This paving maintenance project provides SDOT with the opportunity to reconfigure lanes on a short section of Delridge Way SW, to make the roadway safer for all travel modes. Information on those proposed changes, from SW Myrtle to SW Keynon streets, will also be available at the upcoming project open house. Other details can be found at: