UPDATE: West Seattle shines again at Drug Take Back Day event on Sept. 29
Fri, 09/21/2012
The Seattle Police Southwest Precinct, covering West Seattle and South Park, had the most success in the city at getting unused prescription drugs off the street.
Hosted by SPD and the DEA, the Drug Take Back Day on Sept. 29 brought in a total of 509 pounds of drugs, with the Southwest Precint accounting for 199 pounds.
Here are the totals by precinct, provided by SPD:
East Precinct-68 pounds
West Precinct-59 pounds
Southwest Precinct-199 pounds
South Precinct-36 pounds
North Precinct-147 pounds
There will be another event in the spring.
In April of 2012, the Southwest Precinct gathered 238 pounds.
Original post, from Lt. Pierre Davis and your SW Precinct Family
We are having another DEA sponsored Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, September 29th, from 10am-2pm.
Our West Seattle community members can simply bring their expired and or unused medication to the Southwest Precinct for safe disposal. Any type of prescription and or over the counter medications are acceptable collections. If liquid, please ensure that the lids are tight. Please note that intra-venous solutions, injectibles, syringes, or medical waste are not collectable items.