A truck bearing the steel arbor to be unveiled on Oct. 21 was driven by the sculptor Dan Klennert. The 9 foot tall structure was set to be unveiled on Oct. 21. CLICK THE PHOTO ABOVE TO SEE SOME PARTS OF THE ARBOR.
The Barton Street P-Patch, under development since March of last year took delivery on Oct. 16 of it's signature piece, a custom built steel arbor that bears the P-Patch logo and serves as the gateway to the space, located at 34th SW and SW Barton Streets.
Built near Elbe, Washington by Dan Klennert a metal sculptor the 9 foot by 7.5 foot by 4 foot arbor was brought by truck and with a small crane lifted into place.
The sculpture was paid for from the original grant money for the garden project and, "by scrimping and saving we were able to afford it," said Kate Farley one of the primary P-Patch organizers.
Klennert said he,"almost wished they didn't buy it," because he loves his own creations like children.
The unveiling will take place at 1:00pm Sunday Oct. 21 at a special ceremony and celebration of the the garden. It's potluck event if you'd like to attend.
Also being installed on the northwest side of the garden is a large sign that will face the street and identify the garden from the road.
EDITORS NOTE: We've chosen NOT to show you the whole arbor in our photos so you will either come by on Sunday or visit the garden in person later to see it, though we will publish full photos following the unveiling.