Two games, four teams, one rainy day, muddy field, parents, coaches and friends. Perfect.
Here are the Wildcats and the Sharks battling it out with lots of people there to support them.
It wasn't a big game, or a major tournament. Just kids from the West Seattle Soccer Club out playing on a rainy day. But the parents, coaches, friends and others came out in the drizzle, on a muddy field to support those kids and that's worth caring about. How many thousands of times are scenes like this repeated not only in our community but across the nation? This is what you do to support healthy and fun activities for kids.
On Saturday, Oct. 27, Tom Carney was out filling in for the regular coach for the West Seattle U-11 Chivas who faced the ST Champion Outlaws. On the other side of the field were the Wildcats vs. the Sharks. Jim Burgess was coaching and the Wildcats lost to the Sharks 5-4 "in a spirited wet and rainy match."
When we hear the score of the other game we will update.