Thursday, December 6th, the 21 elected members of the Chief Sealth Associated Student Body will take a field trip to the White Center Food Bank. The student leaders will be helping stock and distribute food to the center’s clients. “I strongly believe in the model of servant leadership, and this is an opportunity to give just a few hours but make a big difference. Not only does this serve as a powerful leadership lesson for our student leaders, it also helps connect them with the community as a whole and provides a good team-building activity for the group,” said Sam Reed Sealth Athletic Director, who also oversees student government at Chief Sealth.
The West Seattle Food Bank is the beneficiary the following week, when, in conjunction with the school’s spirit week, the entire building will be participating in a canned food drive. Beginning Monday, December 10th students and family members can drop off canned and packaged food items at a number of collection stations that will be set up around the school. Items will be collected and sorted by grade level and the competition will tie in with the fun and school spirit that surrounds spirit week. The winning class will be announced during that Friday’s all-school spirit assembly. To raise the stakes, items will be collected to “protect” that respective grade level’s Class President; because at the assembly the non-winning president’s will receive whipped cream pie to the face.
Also ongoing is a thoughtful effort led by seniors Clint Hewitt and Conrad Hill. As part of their senior project, these two are holding a toy drive to support local youth.