West Seattle Rotary First Friday event will benefit Powerful Schools
Thu, 01/03/2013
The Rotary Club of West Seattle is holding a fundraiser/donation drive for Powerful Schools at Marination Ma Kai on Friday, Jan. 4.
Here are the details:
This Friday will be our first Friday event at Marination Ma Kai (1660 Harbor Ave S.W.) from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. for Powerful Schools.
Powerful Schools gives every child the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential. This means making college or career readiness the expected path for ALL children. Through literacy programs, arts and after-school classes, we work in pre-schools and elementary schools to prepare children right from the start.
Powerful Schools believes in an holistic approach to education. This includes striving to not only meet each of our programs expected outcomes, but also aligning all of our programs to our core values: the 4 E’s of Education.
We would like to build on the success of our past four First Fridays and ask community members to help us provide for people in our community in need. Here is what you should do: go to Target or an art supply store and purchase scissors, construction paper, glue sticks, markers , crayons, clay or other craft and art supplies. and join us for a drink at the Marination Ma Kai. If you do not have time to shop, we will be set up to accept cash or check donations too.
Come join your West Seattle Rotary for a drink and to hang out and help people in our community become more prepared.
Past First Friday events:
October First Friday: 18 pounds of food for West Seattle Food Bank
November First Friday: 31 Coats and two bags of Gloves/ Scarves
December First Friday: first aid kits, batteries, flashlights
The Rotary of West Seattle utilizes five avenues of service; Club, Vocational, International, New Generations and Community. Our Foundation Board allocates funding to each avenue of service for them to focus on projects that interest their committee members We are pleased to give back to the community any way we can, if readers are interested in Rotary, and or would like to contribute to our Foundation, they can visit our website to learn more at www.westseattlerotary.org
For more information about the event contact Dave Nichols, Publicity Chair of the Rotary Club of West Seattle, P: 206-391-5017 or
email atdisasterdave.com