SLIDESHOW: Rev. David Kratz bid farewell to Fauntleroy UCC Church
Rev. Dr. Kratz said goodbye to the UCC Fauntleroy Church in a warm and tropically themed farewell party on Sunday Jan. 27. CLICK THE PHOTO ABOVE TO SEE MORE OR SEE THE GALLERY BELOW THE STORY.
Mon, 01/28/2013
By Conrad Wesselhoeft
With bread and grape juice--in insufficient quantities to serve the overflowing crowd--the Rev. David Kratz on Sunday said goodbye to his congregation at Fauntleroy UCC Church, where he has served as senior pastor for 27 years.
The service was the culmination of a weekend of farewells--including a dinner on Friday at Fauntleroy Hall followed by a musical celebration at the church attended by several hundred people.
Among the many gifts Dr. and Mrs. Kratz received from the congregation was a Hawai'ian vacation--with tropical attire to match.