Comment period open, meetings set for new elementary at Genesee Hill site
Thu, 02/07/2013
West Seattleites interested in helping Seattle Public Schools design a new 650-seat elementary school at the Genesee Hill site have several upcoming opportunities to share their thoughts.
The Genesee Schmitz Neighborhood Council has taken the lead on becoming the community liaison for the project, which will be paid for by school levy Proposition 2 if passed by Seattle voters on Feb. 12. Students and staff from Schmitz Park Elementary will move into the new building once completed in 2015 as part of SPS’s plan to make room for West Seattle’s expanding student population.
Kerrie Schurr with GSNC writes that Janet Donelson, Senior Project Manager for SPS is accepting comments on the early preferred design through Friday, Feb. 15.
Donelson can be reached at or 206-252-0697. Comments can also be sent to Schmitz Park Elementary principal Gerrit Kischner at or 206-252-9700.
“They are especially interested in meeting with neighbors who live on 49th Ave S.W. along the east side of the school property …,” Schurr wrote in an email to the neighborhood group. “Everyone needs to be aware that the design is still subject to change because construction feasibility and cost information has yet to be compiled, and information on the large trees has not been considered yet, either.”
Shurr said there will be more opportunity for comment in winter and spring of 2013. In addition, GSNC and SPS are teaming up for upcoming community meetings:
Community Conversations, to be held at Schmitz Park School. (GSNC is co-hosting these with SPS to avoid duplicative meetings.)
1. Tuesday February 26 – 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
2. Thursday, March 14 – 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
[Note: GSNC will also hold a short business meeting at the same location on March 14, either directly before or after this meeting. The exact time will be announced later. ]
3. Wednesday, April 30 – 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
For more information on the early design as it stands now, visit the Genesee Schmitz Neighborhood Council website at SPS is expected to have project information on their website soon as well.