King 5 News personalities will help Easter Seals promote Autism Awareness April 1
Fri, 03/29/2013
In what is quickly becoming an annual event Admiral Safeway is holding the Celebrity Bagging Contest to kick off Autism Awareness Month and Safeway’s April fundraising for Easter Seals Washington on April 1.
The event pits three KING 5 News people against one another to test the speed of their grocery bagging.
It starts at 10am.
In attendance will be the familiar faces of Mark Wright, Tracy Taylor, and Rich Marriott.
To help contribute to the Easter Seals campaign just stop into a Safeway store during the month of April and participate in an in-store fund raising campaign at check-out stands. Store clerks will ask if you’d like to make a donation to Easter Seals. In 2012, the campaign raised over $7 million for Easter Seals affiliates across the United States and Canada.
The Safeway store is located at 2622 California Avenue S.W. in West Seattle.