Guy Olson, a five-year Alki Beach resident, has big plans for “Alki Car Free Day” on May 19 this year, including live bands, “The Bubble Man” and “West Seattle’s Largest Costumed Bicycle Parade.”
Car Free Day is part of the Seattle Department of Transportation’s Alki Summer Streets Event, running from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., sans vehicles.
Olson explains:
“On May 19th Alki Avenue in West Seattle will be closed to vehicle traffic for 'Alki Car Free Day.' In recent years interest has dwindled, and criticism has increased. Car Free Day is a wonderful occasion and could really be a great thing. So.... this year I have planned a few activities and I'm hoping you will be a part of it, or will help spread the word. I have 2 DJ's, one band and 'The Bubble Man' committed so far. My home has a large balcony in the heart of Alki Beach, overlooking the beach, in the middle of the nearby bars/restaurants, and the avenue. My plan is to have all the performers perform from the driveway directly next door and the bubble artist on my patio/deck/balcony.
“The biggest idea, which I will need the most help with is: ‘West Seattle's Largest Costumed Bicycle Parade.’ This parade will begin at 1:00pm on May 19, 2013. The parade will begin at 63rd and Alki Avenue continuing to Seacrest Park on Harbor Avenue and then looping back to El Chupacabra on Alki Avenue. This will be the ‘finish line’ and the place for our post-parade party. I'm the creator of "Seattle Green Bikes" and co-president of a bicycle club which recently completed a very successful beach cleanup. Please let me know of you need any more info. I'm hoping for a huge turnout and to make this ‘Alki Car Free Day’ a very memorable experience for everyone I possibly can.”
Anyone interested in helping spread the word or participate can learn more by emailing Olson
His bike club can also be found on Facebook.
An event page for the parade can be found here.
Olson is a founding member and co-president of the “Alki Beach Creeps Bicycle Club” (which is not nearly as creepy as it sounds. He explains: “My good friend Willis Mathiasen and I started the bicycle club amongst friends who I believe just wanted to ride together and be a part of something. We try to do fun things as a group. We are tired of people complaining about things, when in fact they can fix it. We are just a group of friends enjoying the beautiful city on our bikes.”)
“The importance of Car Free Day to me is the loss of vehicle noise,” Olson said. “In the warmer months the motorcycle noise is the most obnoxious. The revving of engines is unbelievable.”
Olson is hoping for a spectacular turnout for the parade portion of the day, and promises a worthwhile party at the end of the line.