Delridge Day Festival warming up for August; Reaching out for bands and sponsors
A flash mob broke out at the 2012 Delridge Day Festival. Who knows ... it could happen again!
Tue, 04/09/2013
The 6th Annual Delridge Day Festival has a date of August 17 this year, and organizers are reaching out for sponsors and bands/talent interested in performing. For a reminder of last year's fun, please check out the Herald's slideshow!
Information from North Delridge Neighborhood Council:
Last year was the 6th Annual Delridge Day Festival, and true to form the event was a huge success! Three years ago, Delridge Day was taken on by the community and became a 100 percent volunteer-driven event. Last year was the first ever Skatepark competition which proved to be a success and will be continued again this year! Over 60 local vendors showcased their products and services to the public and over 2,000 people came through! Stay tuned because plans for a bigger and better Delridge Day Festival is in the works!
The 2013 Delridge Day Festival is planned for Saturday, August 17th from 11AM-4PM at the Delridge Community Center and Park. This year’s festival will feature a large vendor area, highlighting some of the best local businesses in the area, local savory and sweet food trucks where you can grab a bite to eat, kids and family style picnic games, bouncy house, face painting and much more! Again this year, we’ll have our music stage with plenty of local live music and entertainment. Interested music groups and talent can email Chas Redmond and provide links to their music.
The planning committee is working on securing sponsors and vendors to make this year’s event happen. We encourage local businesses to submit an application to be a part of our local event! The sponsorship and vendor fees not only support the festival but all give back to the community, as 15 percent of all fees are donated to the ARC (Associate Recreational Council), which provides Scholarships for Community Center classes at the Delridge Community Center. Over the last two years, Delridge Day has donated nearly $2,000 to the ARC!
Vendor and Sponsor packets are available online at: or by emailing the planning committee at
To keep updated on the festival plans, visit the festival web page: or check us out on facebook at