Seattle Parks holding public hearing on Opportunity Fund projects
Thu, 04/18/2013
From Seattle Parks
The Parks and Green Spaces Levy Oversight Committee is hosting a public hearing to gather public comments on the proposed second round Opportunity Fund projects on Monday April 22, 2013. The hearing is at Miller Community Center, 330 19th Ave. E, from 6 – 9 p.m.
Parks staff and the Levy Oversight Committee heard more than 40 group project presentations in January 2013. The Committee is holding a public hearing to gather input before finalizing the list of recommended projects it submits to the Mayor and City Council. These community driven projects represent interesting ideas from many Seattle neighborhoods.
The Oversight Committee made a draft recommendation of projects for the second round of funding. The list of twelve projects represents two projects from each geographical sector of the city.
· South Park Plaza Acquisition
· Camp Long Infrastructure Improvement Winterization Project
Central East
· Broadway Hill Park
· Installing playground at Washington Park Playfield
Central West
· Northwest Native Canoe Center
· Completing Magnolia Manor Park
· Sacajawea Playground Renovation
· Lake City Skatespot
· Baker Park Expansion Acquisition
· Threading the Needle Park (24th Ave NW)
· Lewis Park Natural Area Improvements
· Othello Park
The Levy Opportunity Fund is a $15 million fund within the $146 million Levy that allocates funding to projects identified by neighborhood and community groups. Projects are approved by ordinance, and include community-initiated acquisition and/or development projects. The City Council approved a first round of Opportunity Fund projects in April 2011, and this hearing is for the second round that will allocate $8 million.
The 16-member volunteer Citizen Oversight Committee advises the Parks and Recreation Superintendent, the Mayor and the City Council on issues related to Levy fund expenditures. They advise on allocations for upcoming budget years, make recommendations on Opportunity Fund expenditures, and perform other duties. Members serve staggered terms over the life of the levy (2009-2014), are appointed by the Mayor (eight members) and City Council (eight members) and represent the community at large geographically.
For more information on the project presentation events, please call Rick Nishi at 206-733-9319 or email him at For more information on the Levy Opportunity Fund and the public hearing please go to