Roy Thompson is 81 years old with gray hair and blue eyes. He stands 6 ft. 1 in. tall, 155 pounds and was last seen wearing glasses and tan clothing. He is believed to be driving a 2006 gray Toyota Avalon with WA license plate AJY8994. If you see him, please contact the Sheriff's Office at 206-296-3311 or call 911.
Update for July 13
A missing elderly man from Renton who was last spotted in West Seattle on July 12 was located later that evening in Bellevue, according to the King County Sheriff's Office.
"He is safe and has been reunited with his family," Sgt. Cindi West said.
Original post on July 12
The King County Sheriff's Office is searching for Renton resident Roy Thompson, 81, who was last seen in West Seattle on the morning of July 12.
Prior to that, detectives said he was last seen at his Renton home on July 11.
He has also been traced to Stanwood and Burien, where credit card purchases were attempted or made.
KCSO Sgt. Cindi West said Thompson has serious medical issues and early signs of Alzheimer's.
Roy Thompson is 81 years old with gray hair and blue eyes. He stands 6 ft. 1 in. tall, 155 pounds and was last seen wearing glasses and tan clothing.
He is believed to be driving a 2006 gray Toyota Avalon with WA license plate AJY8994.
If you see him, please contact the Sheriff's Office at 206-296-3311 or call 911.