A 40 acre site on West Marginal Way SW will be the focus of a $48.1 million cleanup effort by Lockheed Martin under the supervision of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The Lockheed Martin Corp. has agreed to clean up an area of 40 acres at their site at 3443 West Marginal Way SW in a $48.1 million dollar program.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a Record of Decision for the Lockheed West Superfund Site on August 29.
In their announcement the site that once served as a shipyard released contaminants into Elliott Bay, including metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and petroleum products. The cleanup will require that 151,000 cubic yards of sediment be dredged from the area.
The 184 page decision explained how the cleanup will proceed and will include:
- Dredging and disposing of dredged sediments at a permitted landfill;
- The addition of a thin layer of clean material across the site to enhance natural recovery and cover dredged areas;
- Continuation of a fish advisory to make people aware of risks from eating contaminated seafood;
- Removing debris and pilings.
An additional 15,800 cubic yards will be removed through excavation or dredging from the shoreline and intertidal area.