City of Seattle seeking volunteers for Genesee Hill School Departure Advisory Committee
Mon, 09/16/2013
In a letter sent to area residents and posted online Steve Sheppard with the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods requested volunteers to sit on an advisory committee that will recommend whether to grant zoning modifications needed to allow the construction of the new elementary school.
In the letter Sheppard writes:
The Seattle School District is requesting a waiver (departure) from some City zoning regulations for the construction of a new Genesee Hill Elementary School. The District plans to demolish the existing school and construct a new one to accommodate 650 students at 5012 SW Genesee Street. The School District is requesting modifications for greater than allowed height, and continued on-street bus loading. The process for considering this request includes hearings before an advisory committee composed of neighbors and School District and City representatives.
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is seeking interested persons in the community to serve on this Committee. The role of the Committee will be to conduct public meetings, gather and evaluate public comment, and either recommend granting the request with or without conditions to minimize its impacts on the surrounding neighborhood, or recommend denial of the departures. The City will make the final decision.
The Committee will be composed of eight representatives from the following groups:
1. A person residing within 600' of the proposed site.
2. A person owning property or a business within 600' of the proposed site.
3. Two representatives of the general neighborhood.
4. A representative-at-Iarge to represent city-wide education issues.
5. Two representatives of the Genesee School PTSA.
6. A representative of the Seattle School District.
If you are interested in serving on this committee please send a letter of interest by either e:mail or regular mail to:
Steve Sheppard
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
700 5th Avenue Suite 1700
PO Box 94649
Seattle, WA 98124-4649
Letters of interest should be received by September 18, 2013
For more information call Steve Sheppard, Department of Neighborhoods at 206-684-0302.