Puget Sound nonprofits announce plans for neighborhood radio stations
Mon, 10/14/2013
Looking at how and where people spend their time with media today the blizzard of choices means loyalty among consumers can be a difficult thing to get and maintain. Nonetheless, fifteen local nonprofits and universities are ready to apply for low-power FM (LPFM) radio licenses to serve Seattle's neighborhoods. There's a group that has staked out West Seattle but so far, they've chosen to remain unidentified.
Those are public will be sharing their plans for community service and a map of the neighborhoods that they plan to serve at a public event at Pike Place Market at noon on Oct. 15.
A list of the applicants can be found at: http://community.brownpapertickets.com/Doers/radio.html. Seattle-based Brown Paper Tickets is assisting these nonprofits in their application, and has helped eligible groups across the country learn about the opportunity to own their own radio station, as part of it’s National Make Radio Challenge.
The government shutdown is causing an unexpected delay in the Oct. 15 opening of a two-week window for nonprofits to submit applications for thousands of low-power FM (LPFM) radio frequencies now available as a result of the Local Community Radio Act. Pike Place Market is considering application, but is not yet ready to commit to it, and may actually benefit from the extra time created by the government closure.
The public meeting at the Market will allow any interested party to ask questions of the applicants. The one hour meeting gets underway at 12 noon in the Pike Place Market, Atrium Loft on the top floor of the Economy Market.
Here's a list of who will be there:
Sabrina Roach, Doer specializing in public media and director of Brown Paper Tickets’ national campaign to proliferate LPFM
Ben Franz-Knight, Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority
David Keyes, City of Seattle, Department of Information Technology
Sahar Fathi, City of Seattle, Office of Immigrant & Refugee Affairs
Randy Engstrom, City of Seattle, Office of Arts & Culture
Debra Twersky, 4Culture
Representatives from the following nonprofit organizations, applying for a neighborhood radio station when the FCC reopens:
- OneAmerica (SeaTac)
- Earth on the Air Independent Media (University District)
- Fulcrum Community Communications (Neighborhoods North of the Cut)
- Hollow Earth Radio (Central District)
- Sand Point Arts & Cultural Exchange (Magnuson Park)
- Seattle University Radio (Central District/First Hill)
- SouthEast Effective Development (Rainier Valley/Rainier Beach)
- Sustainable Bainbridge (Bainbridge)
- UWave Radio at University of Washington at Bothell (Bothell)
- YOUR.FM Skyway (Skyway)
Those at the meeting hope to discuss how neighborhood radio can help foster arts and culture communities, close the gap on the low number of media outlets owned by people of color and women, partner with neighborhood blogs and other forms of hyper-local media to develop sustainable business models, innovate programming and incubate talent because of low-barriers to participation, and help train and provide networking for the next generation of media professionals.
Brown Paper Tickets has implemented a National Make Radio Challenge to fill every available frequency in Seattle with a qualified applicant, to get the word out to nonprofits nationally, and to give free assistance and counsel to applicants anywhere across the country who asked for help.