Last minute Christmas gift for around $20? Why not buy a subscription?
Mon, 12/23/2013
As the big day approaches, many retailers will tell you about stocking stuffers and other last minute gift ideas.
We'd like to suggest that for many people, reading and keeping up with the community is important, and for thousands of people the way they like to do that is in print.
We understand that reading news online, or on your phone or tablet is how you like to stay in touch with news and events. For some, tweets or Facebook posts are enough. That's why we are on Twitter and Facebook of course.
But print, despite changing, is still great. Sitting down with a cup of coffee and going through the paper is a ritual that regular readers treasure. So, we're continuing our honestly amazing annual subscription price of $20 for a full year of the Westside Weekly, our print product. It brings you news and photos from West Seattle, Ballard, Burien, SeaTac, Des Moines and other west side neighborhoods.
A year's worth of issues for $20 delivered to your home? That's a great gift anytime.
To subscribe:
Either call our office during business hours at 708-1378 and ask to subscribe, or
go to this form:…
Fill it out, and someone will call you (yes a human being!) arrange payment.
Thanks everyone...and Happy Holidays.