Do you live in Westwood- Roxhill or Arbor Heights? Just a bit of volunteer work could really help
Wed, 01/22/2014
There are variety of projects underway at the Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council (WWRHAH) and they are seeking help. Their meetings are 90 minutes once per month, on the 1st Tuesday at 6:15p.m.-7:45p.m. in the upstairs room of the Library at 35th S.W. & S.W. Henderson Street.
Here's a list of projects they are working on you could assist with:
1. Working with Metro & SDOT about traffic safety in and around Westwood Village related to buses and street crossings. In it's early phases.
2. Working with SDOT on Roxbury Street safety. In it's end stages; this is nearly an SDOT-only affair now. We may assist in some outreach.
3. Various Roxhill Park projects: lighting, safety, educational & volunteer programs for K-12 school children, and hydrology improvements (making the Bog wet again). All in their early stages.
4. Grant writing -- if you have ANY experience in writing grants, we need help.
5. Researching safety issues around 35th Ave SW. Very early stages.
6. Researching neighborhood lighting issues in the WWRHAH area. Very, very early stages.
7. Regular members and board assistance: we have an opening still for a Treasurer, and our Board elections are coming up. We can always use an alternate/vice secretary, and alternates to serve as representatives to the Southwest and Delridge District Councils.
It might sound like a lot, but it's all able to be compartmentalized. If you've got even just a few hours to spare, every minute you can give directly will benefit your neighborhood and community. The pay ain't great, but the perks are awesome--making the place we live better.
Here is the meeting invite for our next meeting on February 4th, 615pm, upstairs in the library at 35th & Henderson: