White Center Community Summit will tackle annexation, transportation and education Mar. 1
Thu, 01/23/2014
The annual 2014 White Center Community Summit is set for Saturday, March 1st from 10am-2pm at Mt. View Elementary School at 10811 12th Avenue S.W.
The theme for this year’s summit is “White Center: Past, Present and Future” where we will explore and hear stories about how great things formed in White Center, what new things we have here now and plan with us how to keep White Center a growing place for the future. All attendees that register will receive a free I Heart White Center t-shirt, lunch, and an opportunity to have family pictures taken by a professional photographer.
Registration and breakfast begins at 9 a.m. Organized by the White Center Community Development Association (CDA), this is a family event with workshops for youths and adults as well as free child care.
“The event this year will be especially special because we will have community members come and share stories about how some of the great things we have here in White Center came to fruition. We will also take on some of the more challenging topics, in workshop form, that we are faced with here in White Center like: to annexation, transportation and education," says White Center CDA Community Builder Marquise Roberson. “In addition to community coming together and providing context and voice behind various topics, it is going to be a great picture of community coming together and working together to gain mutual understanding and problem solve.”
In addition to the adult focused workshops there will be youth focused workshops dealing with personal finance, career exploration and how they view the community. For the younger children there will also be free childcare. Registered event attendees will also receive lunch from local community businesses. As in years past there will be a resource center along with onsite interpreters and translated materials. Registration information can be found at http://wccda.org/home
The mission of the White Center Community Development Association is to promote a high quality of life for White Center residents and stakeholders through the development of authentic leadership opportunities and community based neighborhood initiatives. This is accomplished through three lines of business: neighborhood revitalization, family development, and community building.
For more information please contact Marquise Roberson, Community Builder at (206) 694-1082 or Marquise@wccda.org.