LETTER: $60 car tab fee is regressive and hypocritical
Sat, 02/22/2014
Dear Editor,
King County's proposed $60 car tab fee will affect lower income car owners FAR more than high income/high value car owners. Regressive, flat rate fees ALWAYS fall heaviest on the poor. And for additional injury, vehicle "fees" are not deductible on federal tax returns. Only the RTA excise tax is currently deductible.
The imposition of taxes/fees to support community infrastructure and services should be levied in a manner where those most able to pay pay the most. Right now, the poorest King County residents pay a disproportionate amount of the cost.
This is hypocritical in a community that claims to care about reducing poverty and ending homelessness.
And many of us are already paying additional car tab fees to our local jurisdictions that were imposed WITHOUT a vote. In Burien, the fee was rejected by voters -- then the city council (in the deceptive guise of a 'transportation district') arrogantly adopted it in the face of a 75% NO vote.
There was a time we had a war on poverty rather than a war on the poor.
Stephen Lamphear