Lezlie Jane's Luna Girls sculpture, now installed on knoll just north of Salty's at Alki celebrates West Seattle's history with its portrayal of 3 female bathing beauties sitting on life preservers, wearing bathing suits of the early 20th century.
Now installed and complete, Luna Girls, the cast iron sculpture by artist Lezlie Jane celebrates West Seattle's history. It portrays three female bathing beauties, all in bathing suits from the early 20th century sitting on life preservers. The art celebrates the history of Luna Park, a 12 acre amusement park built at Alki in 1907. At low tide pilings for the park are still visible. It closed in 1913 but its swimming pools remained open until 1931.
It is located atop a small knoll, just north of Salty's at Alki restaurant on Harbor Ave. S.W.
The work was funded by private donations.
You can learn more about it on the website for the project. http://www.lunagirlsonalki.com/Luna_Girls_on_Alki/Welcome.html