Backhoe delivered to site on 24th S.W. following DPD meeting; Neighbors not happy
Sat, 03/22/2014
In a public meeting on March 20, regarding the land use change for 6536 24th Ave. S.W. more than 30 people showed up to voice their concerns about the possibility of homes being built on the land and the impact that might have on drainage, the salmon watershed in Longfellow Creek and more. DPD had called the meeting and answered questions and provided insights. Also in attendance was the property owner Nick Antoine.
While many of the neighbors were vocal in the meeting, Antoine chose not to speak.
DPD said they had requested corrections in the proposal and had yet to hear from Antoine, though they acknowledged the process has no deadline and that some changes take more time than others. They also said that for any work to proceed on the site, proper permits would be required.
Still, despite no permits being issued, a large backhoe was delivered to the property on Saturday, March 22 which quickly got the neighbor's attention.
They posted a note on the backhoe that reads:
NO PERMITS HAVE BEEN ISSUED for work on this ECA property. We will call police to halt any work if ground disturbance occurs –
Police Non-Emergency line: (206) 625-5011
So far, beyond the delivery of the backhoe, nothing has happened. This story will be updated.