Property owner Nick Antonie was at the controls of a backhoe on his property on 24th, digging into the soil as part of a geo-technical study on the land. Neighbors contacted DPD who determined that there was no problem.
After a backhoe was delivered to the site 6536 24th Ave S.W. that has been the site of a controversial land use application. Neighbors who fear problems that development on the site might bring, put a sign on it. That sign warned anyone using the equipment that authorities would be called if any work was done without a permit.
On March 24, property owner Nick Antonie and a contractor from Earth Solutions NW were on the site and began digging. This got the attention of the neighbors who quickly called DPD. They came to the site and
determined there was no violation as follows:
Service Request # 49560
Address6536 24th Ave SW
Inspector MOORE, ROGER
NotesPer 3/24/14 DPD inspection, Geotechnical engineer is onsite digging test holes for engineering report.
This is in line with what Antonie told the West Seattle Herald. "We're just doing a geo-technical study that the city asked us to do. In order to do the study and do a soil test we have to get in and dig in the soil."
The neighbors had expressed concerns about disturbing the soil based the former presence of a "known drug house" and the potential for toxic materials being released into the air or water. Antonie doubted their claims and said, "Here's what happens. If you dig it up with an excavator and take it away, I would imagine that probably solves a lot of the problem."
Antonie noted that the "neighborhood is pushing for a Critical Area Impact Study."
While he did not speak in the meeting on March 20 he told the Herald, "I wanted to say this in the meeting. "We'd like to submit the new plat. We had an old engineer who didn't follow up on a lot of stuff, so I contacted the engineer who did the creek," referring to a plan to change out the culverts in the area through which Longfellow Creek flows. He would like to work in unison with the creek project to be in accordance with the environmental protection measures they would employ.
Antonie said he has a new plan that reflects a smaller impact with only six lots being developed but that he needs to get more work done, more corrections made as requested by DPD, before it can go forward.
"To give them the new layout with the less lots on it, and putting it in the riparian area, that's done. I'd like to show the neighbors that. But if I sent it to DPD, they'd kick the whole project out. As they said at the meeting, every single thing has to be addressed in the corrections. You can't just turn in one thing. That's what I was trying to tell the neighbors yesterday when they were yelling at me."
The controversy over the land use will likely continue though if Antonie meets the corrections as specified by DPD, he will get approval. His original plan was to sell off the other lots and have a home built there for his family. "I don't think so anymore," he said.