LETTER: High density development decried by Holy Rosary, Hope Lutheran and Seattle Lutheran High School
Fri, 03/28/2014
To the City Planning Office and Elected Officials:
We write to you regarding the many new high density developments planned for or being erected in our neighborhood which do not include adequate parking for residents. These developments, listed below, pose potential danger to our hundreds of constituents, many of whom are children.
· 4439 41st AVE SW #3015444, 40 units, 5 parking spaces, 300 sf apartments
· 4433 42nd SW #3013912 (Junction Flats), 78 residential units and 2 work live units, 52 parking spaces
· 4505 42nd AVE SW #3106195, 50 units and 16 parking stalls and 4500 SF of retail
· 4447 41st AVE SW #3014929, 4-1900 sf condominiums with 4 parking stalls
· SW Oregon
· 4107 SW Oregon Street #3016175, 4 units and 4 parking stalls
· 4101 SW Oregon Street #3016748, 4 units with unspecified parking
Our concerns include:
Student and Neighborhood Safety
1. Pre-k through eighth grade students are on the Hope School playgrounds 14 feet from the proposed building (#3015444). The alley adjacent to the playgrounds is used year-round, Monday through Friday for dropping off and picking up younger students.
2. Students cross the alley between Hope School and Hope playground/parking lot several times each day for PE. Construction and increased residential traffic during the day will make this more dangerous.
3. Foot, bicycle and vehicle traffic on the streets and sidewalks of our neighborhood is very heavy mornings and afternoons –collectively we have 825 students, ages 3 – 18, attending three schools in two blocks. During the summer months we have 100 students attending summer programs daily with an additional 175 students for one week in July.
Transportation Challenges
1. Seattle continues to cut bus service in the city thereby necessitating more vehicles on the streets both driving and parking.
2. Parking in our neighborhood is already very difficult. Adding 168 apartments, 4500 square feet of retail space and only 73 parking spaces on one city block is not sensible. More parking is needed.
3. 41st Avenue SW is a very narrow street and the hill crests in a way which severely limits visibility
4. The alley behind the developments on 41st Avenue SW is not a through-street and there is no turn-around for vehicles
Our greatest concern is for the safety of our students and their families. Every morning, at the time residents depart for work, students with their families and our employees are arriving at our schools and churches. More traffic from rental units will generate frustration and anxiety for drivers which, in turn, fosters a zone of danger for our children. With a more moderate plan for development in the neighborhood these issues would be dramatically mitigated.
We respectfully request that the Department of Planning and Development, along with our elected officials, consider the detrimental impacts these potential developments will have on our neighborhood, schools and students.
With Concern for our Students and Neighborhood,
Holy Rosary Church
Holy Rosary School
Hope Lutheran Church
Hope Lutheran School
Seattle Lutheran High School