Student demonstration for Prop. 1 sees light turnout
Students held a banner to raise awareness of the importance of passing Prop. 1, which would fund Metro Transit, but there were only a few in attendance at the April 14 rally.
Mon, 04/14/2014
The message that King County Metro Transit will see major cuts in service if Prop. 1 set for a vote in the April 22 election does not pass, seems to be reaching only a few. Evidence of the lack of interest in the student demonstration on April 14 at South Seattle College was found in the low numbers that showed up for the event.
Admittedly getting people out to a rally on a sunny day to support a campaign to raise taxes is not easy.
Seattle City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen and King County Council person McDermott were there along with Wash. State Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon. but the audience was small.
Currently, there are two Metro bus lines that run to South’s Campus – the 125 and the 128. Both of these bus lines would offer reduced service to the campus if Proposition 1 is not approved.
Proposition 1 would provide dedicated transportation funding available to preserve current Metro transit service levels and provide transportation improvements, including road preservation, safety and maintenance projects, by authorizing the King County Transportation District (KCTD) to levy a 0.1% sales and use tax and a $60 vehicle fee, each for up to ten years. Proposition 1 would also establish a low-income vehicle fee rebate of $20 and provide funding for a low-income Metro transit fare.
Seattle City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, Chair of the Transportation Committee, urged the crowd to register to vote and voiced his support of the proposition. The audience also heard from Washington Bus’ Campus Coordinator Katie Stultz and South Seattle College student, Charlie Hill.
Hill, an Auto body Collision student, shared his concern with the potential bus cuts. As a spokesperson for the students, Hill said that public transit is his primary means of transportation and any reduction in service would affect his education which is his “primary focus.”