White Center Promise wins DOE award to help integrate new Americans
Mon, 04/21/2014
information from White Center Promise
White Center Promise, led by the " White Center Community Development Association, is one of only 5 sites around the country selected to participate in the Networks for Integrating New Americans initiative sponsored by the Department of Education. The Networks for Integrating New Americans initiative aims to advance immigrants’ economic, linguistic and civic integration in five U.S. communities and beyond.
Funded by Office of Technical, Career and Adult Education (OCTAE) at the U.S Department of Education, this initiative will refine and document collaborative program models for helping immigrants to achieve their dreams. Led by World Education, Inc. and its partners, National Partnership for New Americans, IMPRINT, and Welcoming America, Networks for Integrating New Americans positions adult education programs as key players in local networks.
Representatives from the five sites met with World Education and the other technical assistance partners in Washington DC from April 10-11to kickoff the initiative. They also met with the White House Domestic Policy Council to discuss the ways the government can support local immigration integration efforts.
World Education and its partners will work with White Center Promise to build on innovative immigrant integration services that:
- Improve immigrants’ access to effective and innovative English language programs,
- Support immigrants on the path to citizenship, and
- Support immigrants’ career development through training and education.
White Center Promise is a committed local effort to provide a full array of home, school and community supports to ensure long-term success for all residents. The White Center Community Development Association (WCCDA) leads White Center Promise, working alongside our core partners Highline Public Schools and Southwest Youth & Family Services. Numerous other partners and service providers ensure a comprehensive, coordinated approach for change.
The Networks for Integrating New Americans partners include our core partners as well as Highline Community College, the YWCA, OneAmerica, Port Jobs, King County Housing Authority, and the King County Library System.