The controversial 30 unit 'No Parking' apartment building (now called Pholston Paradise) at 6917 Calfornia Ave. S.W. that has faced a series of questions from neighbors, will get a hearing update on May 15. A group of neighbors have continued to advocate for possible solutions with Seattle DPD and the developer Mark Knoll.
The project is allowed under the city code revised in 2010. That code allows even greater density with up to 8 unrelated people to an apartment. Under the proviso of the Growth Management Act of 1990 the Seattle Comprehensive plan called for 36 Urban Villages in Seattle and the Morgan Junction area is one of the villages intended to accommodate 80% of the growth.
The project cleared a major hurdle in March when it was given the green light by DPD when they made a "Determination of Non Significance."
Now a SEPA hearing appeal update offering possible mitigation is happening in a public meeting, May 15 at 7pm at The Kenney, 7125 Fauntleroy Way S.W.
Those attending will have a chance to vote on some proposed mitigation solutions. The project is still under a formal Environmental Appeal to the Hearing Examiner, and the appeal is now scheduled to be heard on Tuesday, May 20.
More info: Monica Lundberg or Paul Newman