UW Husky football linebacker Sean Constantine spoke before an assembly at Roxhill Elementary on May 14 along with other players from the team. They followed that by participating in the American Heart Association event Jump Rope for Heart.
Players from the University of Washington football team paid a visit to West Seattle’s Roxhill Elementary on May 14 to come and talk about being in college and being a student athlete. The event called, Jump Rope for Heart, sponsored by the American Heart Association teaches students how to jump rope and is a fundraiser for the Association.
Chellie LaFayette Physical Education Specialist, for Roxhill said she had an opportunity to combine a visit from the players that was already planned with the AHA Jump rope event. “I thought it would be fun for the kids to jump rope for the athletes.”
She explained that AHA produces a video every year for children who have gone through a serious heart health issue. She said that many of the children have someone in their extended family with a heart condition and the funds raised by events like this, “goes for research to figure out how to lessen the impact of heart disease.”
The players who visited were Hauoli Kikaha (linebacker), Marvin Hall (receiver), Brandan Beaver (safety), Mike Criste (center), Sean Constantine (linebacker), Jarrett Finau (def. end).
Speaking to the kids, Brandan Beaver said, “When I was your guys age I did Jump Rope for Heart too.” He said he was good at jump rope as a boy and also succeeded academically even skipping the third grade. He said at one point he got more focused on football than school but his mom made him understand that school was more important. He said while football got him to college he kept up his grades. “Set a lot of goals, just show your passion so you can achieve your goals and listen to your teachers.”