This home at 9226 Delridge Way S.W. caught fire on the afternoon of June 2, claiming the lives of three puppies. The mother dog was rescued by Seattle firefighters and given oxygen. She appeared to be ok.
UPDATE 9:12pm
The cause of the fatal fire on Delridge Way S.W. on June 2 was unattended food on the stove said Seattle Fire Department investigators. The home suffered $120,000 damage. Three people were displaced by the fire.
UPDATE 4:45pm
Seattle Fire Department spokesperson Kyle Moore confirmed this afternoon that upon entry to one story home firefighters found a deceased male in the back bedroom of the home at 9226 Delridge Way S.W. The owner of the home was on scene but did not believe anyone was inside. Two dogs and a puppy were rescued using pet oxygen masks but four puppies did not survive. The investigation is now underway. It's protocol in fatal fires to bring in the Medical Examiner to determine cause of death, and SPD will conduct it's own investigation.
Original Post
A fire in a single family residence at 9226 Delridge Way S.W. claimed the lives of several puppies but the life of the female mother dog was saved by paramedics.
The fire broke out in large flames after approximately 1:53 pm according to eyewitnesses on the scene with the call to 911 going out a minute later at 1:54pm. The flames were on the side of the home where a neighbor said the residents had held a large bonfire the night before. There's no evidence yet however that the two incidents are related.
The firefighters carried the female pit bull out of the house and applied oxygen. After a few minutes she responded but the resident of the home, who had been about four blocks away working in a yard confirmed that she lost three of her puppies to the smoke.
The fire was quickly put down but the smoke contented for some time as traffic both north and south bound on Delridge Way S.W. was blocked.
No cause or damage estimate has yet been release by SFD. This is an ongoing investigation.