Jean Barton speaks out about Barton family arrest
Jean Barton and her husband Byron were arrested for criminal trespass by King County Sheriff' deputies on Friday Aug. 15 though no official charges have been filed. Byron, a disabled Vietnam Veteran was taken to the hospital, and Jean was later released.
Fri, 08/15/2014
By Tim Clifford
After being arrested with her husband and son for criminal trespass this morning Jean Barton has been released from the deputy sheriff’s office in Burien and spoke briefly about her arrest.
“I was just starting to wake up and all of a sudden I heard something out the back door, saying something, I wasn’t sure what they said. Then I heard “sheriff” and then they walked in and told my son to get on the floor, on his stomach, that he was under arrest,” she describes.
While the family was arrested this morning and read their Miranda rights no charges have officially been filed against the family at this time. Byron Barton was taken by ambulance to a nearby VA hospital to be treated for his disabilities and declining health.
In a new twist Jean says that she was given a reason by the sheriff’s deputies as to why they needed to vacate the premises immediately.
“We offered them money to rent the place. Now the sheriff has told us that they have renter’s moving in” Barton says.
“Well then why didn’t they rent to us? Is this just a story that they’ve said to justify what they’re doing?”
Though the legality of the foreclosure and auction of the Barton residence is still an ongoing fight in court the Bartons and their supporters now question how to move forward.
“I don’t know. I really don’t know at this point. We have a lawsuit, we are going to continue with that, and hopefully we will win and get our house back and this will all just be a bad memory, and hopefully make Triangle Properties look as bad as they really are. And that other people will realize that they shouldn’t buy a house from these people,” she said.
When asked if she had any news about her husband Jean was unsure because of how fast things had happened this morning.
“I didn’t taIk to him. When they took us out, he was still in there. I don’t even know what kind of condition, whether he has clothes on, shoes on, his brace, I don’t know.”
S.A.F.E. (Standing Against Foreclosure & Eviction) and the Barton’s lawyers are currently formulating a plan and response to this morning’s arrest.
Thanks to David Rosen for his contribution to this story