Miler Haller, of Edmonds won the NW Hope and Healing Alki Beach 5k on Aug. 24, leading the race from the start. The event was a fund raiser for the organization that helps women deal with the financial issues stemming from breast cancer.
The 12th Annual NW Hope and Healing 5k Run/Walk was held on a somewhat foggy Sunday, Aug. 24 but for the more than 1100 participants it was a chance to prove their mettle and do some good. West Seattle based NWHH helps women with breast cancer meet their financial needs as they fight the disease.
The top finishers in the event were:
Miler Haller
Joe Sheeran
Chris Tolonen
Somer Kreisman
Caroline Austin
Hailey Kettel
Due to some technical issues with the equipment, Rogue Sports was not able to provide the times.
On hand again for the event was Carol Dellinger, cancer survivor and marathon runner. "I've run 11 marathons since I saw you last year and now my total is 278," Dellinger said, I just figure every marathon I run, the miles i put is just that much more distance between myself and cancer. That's why I feel I'm winning the Cancer battle."
She doesn't run 5k's very often she said, not trying to run at top speed, preferring to run the longer 26.2 mile marathons. "At an event like this I to a lot of glad handing and have a great time." Her favorites are the Portland Marathon and the Rock n' Roll Marathon series.
Her best advice for women facing cancer is, "Surround yourself with very positive people. For me, I had such a great group of positive friends. I just quietly dismiss all the negativity out of my life in order to beat the cancer. You really find out who are negative people. I feel like I am the CEO of my own life so I control who comes into and out of my life."