A Seattle Fire Department Medic unit took a man, possibly on drugs to the hospital following reports by neighbors on 56th Ave SW that he had stripped naked and begun growling and exhibiting other strange behavior.
A young male who had stripped off his clothes, growled and did pull-ups on a tree limb was taken to the hospital on Tuesday afternoon after he was restrained first by people in the neighborhood and then police.
According to neighbors who called 911, three young men were seen walking south in the 2700 block of 56th SW around 6:30pm Tuesday Aug. 26. While all three appeared intoxicated, according to neighbors, one was more agitated than others, rolling on the ground and first hugging then hitting one of associates.
Then, he removed his clothing and ran southbound on 56th SW, and began growling at people and doing pull ups from a tree limb. Neighbors, alarmed at this, attempted to subdue the man, and at around 7:15pm Seattle Police and Seattle Fire medical units arrived whereupon he was taken into custody and subsequently taken to the hospital.