Fire at Pioneer Industries caused by overheated equipment
A fire call, brought about by overheating equipment, finally drew a full response from the Seattle Fire Department Sunday night, Dec. 7. The MVU (Mobile Ventilation Unit) originally purchased for use in the tunnel was used to clear the building of smoke.
Sun, 12/07/2014
The Seattle Fire Department responded to a fire in a building located at 7000 Highland Park Way SW on Dec 7.
Around 9:50 pm, a call was dispatched and the first engine on scene reported smoke so they called for a full response. The MVU truck that contains a large fan on the back of it that is used for clearing smoke out was called in to ventilate the building.
The firefighters gained access to the roof as well and cut ventilation holes in it and determined there was no actual fire and that it was caused by equipment overheating.
Highland Park Way SW was closed but should be reopen shortly.