Then there were eight: Dave Montoure enters District 1 City Council race
Tue, 02/17/2015
Former West Seattle Chamber of Commerce President and the co-owner of the West 5 Restaurant in the West Seattle Junction Dave Montoure became the eighth announced candidate for the new District 1 Seattle City Council seat. He joins seven others seeking the position including Chas Redmond, Amanda Kay Hemlock, George Capestany, Phillip Tavel, Shannon Braddock and Brianna Thomas.
In his announcement he detailed his civic involvement and said he would work toward bringing more office space, and a 24/7 medical facility to the West Seattle peninsula and would try to preserve free parking in the West Seattle Junction.
Montoure's full statement:
Dave Montoure today announced that he is running for a seat on the Seattle City Council, District 1. “It’s time for a change at City Hall," stated Montoure, "and I will bring that change.”
The campaign will kick-off with a meet and greet on Tuesday, February 24th at Easy Street Records and Cafe on the corner of California and Alaska at 6:30 p.m.
“We need to end the cycle of career politicians. The peninsula voted to have a districted City Council, signaling a desire to have a city representative who knows the local community from the ground-up. I grew up in West Seattle, live in West Seattle, own a small business in West Seattle, and have served my community in the peninsula.”
Montoure has a long history of civic involvement and has volunteered his time at the West Seattle Food Bank, the West Seattle Senior Center, and the ACS Discovery Shop. He served three years as President of the West Seattle Junction Association (City of Seattle BIA) and later served three terms as Chair of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce. He has also served on several Boards including the West Seattle Trusteed Properties (retaining free parking in the Junction), the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, and the Capitol Campaign Committee of the West Seattle Family YMCA.
“I’m informed, have original ideas, and am not locked into a political system. I’m going to end the cycle of endless debate (the ‘Seattle process’) and hold myself accountable for meeting real life objectives that make a difference in people’s lives. Action not rhetoric.”
“If elected, three immediate actions will be to create needed commercial and office space for job growth in the peninsula. Too many of our homegrown businesses can’t find office or commercial space and have to leave West Seattle in order to expand. We need a 24-7 emergency medical facility, and I will bring one to the peninsula. It’s absurd that we don’t have an emergency facility to serve our elderly, families and children. We must solve chronic transportation issues that negatively impact all users. And, I will continue my fight with King County to preserve free parking in the Junction in support of our small, independent businesses. Seattle’s vanishing street parking is a citywide problem and small business are losing out.” said Montoure.
In West Seattle, Dave Montoure is well known as a civic-minded and environmentally conscious business man. In 2008, Montoure spearheaded a project that saw over 30 food service businesses in the Junction voluntarily implement a food waste composting program that has since diverted restaurant food waste from the solid waste stream to recycled compost.
Montoure is passionate when it comes to the creation and retention of middle-class jobs in our city and neighborhoods. “The City of Seattle has so many internal resources. We should be doing more to attract employers and industries that provide middle-class jobs,” said Montoure. “Why is the City of Bothell the leader in manufacturing jobs when we have vacant and underutilized industrial zoned land right under the West Seattle Bridge? The City needs to do more to attract and retain quality jobs and I’m going to lead the way for West Seattle and our City.”
Dave was born in West Seattle, attended West Seattle High School, and graduated from Whitworth University with a degree in International Studies. Fluent in Mandarin and Japanese, he interned at an NGO in Thailand and taught English in both Taiwan and Japan. Dave then embarked on a career in international shipping and logistics for over a decade. Montoure later returned to his home town to start a West Seattle business with a life-long friend, that business just celebrated its 12-year anniversary in the Junction. Today he resides in the Seaview neighborhood with his wife.
Montoure remains an active member of the local Chamber of Commerce and is currently the Chamber representative on the Southwest District Council. He also serves in an advisory capacity for the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, as a director of the West Seattle Trusteed Properties (free parking in the Junction) and as a Director of the Dining Alliance.
If you want less talk and more action, join a local original who has a track record of making a difference. Vote Dave Montoure for City Council District 1.