District 1 Candidates answer questions from Chamber and South Seattle College
Thu, 05/28/2015
The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with South Seattle College developed a questionnaire for the candidates for Seattle City Council District 1.
It was submitted to all candidates and 6 of the 9 responded. They asked that they limit their responses to 50 words and let them know that the answers would be posted unedited. You will find the answers the Chamber site at the bottom of the home page in a Special Feature section.
Here are the questions posed to the candidates:
Why are you running for office?
If elected, what are three specific actions that you would pursue in the first year to help create jobs in District 1 and the Greater West Seattle Peninsula?
How would you support the educational institutions in District 1?
What do you see as the two most pressing issues for the Greater West Seattle business community and how would you address those issues?
Describe your experience of how government has worked well with the business community of Greater West Seattle. Describe your knowledge or experience of what government endeavors were not helpful to this same business community.
With reduction in tax revenue because of the economic downturn, how to you plan to generate the revenue needed to preserve government services? Will you support further cuts in government services? Will you pursue new sources of revenue and if so, what would those sources be?
The Greater West Seattle area has experienced systematic cuts in Metro bus service, while light rail service is expanding elsewhere. If elected, how will you address the transportation issues in District 1 and the Greater West Seattle Peninsula?