35th Ave SW changes subject of meeting July 15
The next meeting to discuss upcoming changes to 35th SW will take place at Neighborhood House in Highpoint on July 15. The proposals involve changing the road from four lanes to three and lowering the speed limit.
Thu, 07/02/2015
According to SDOT the next meeting for the 35th Avenue SW Road Safety Corridor Project will take place in mid-July. A postcard is on its way to residents living in the vicinity of 35th to alert them.
35th Avenue SW Road Safety Corridor Project
Since October 2014, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has been working with neighbors to get ideas on how to improve safety on 35th Ave SW. Please join us for a public meeting to review upcoming plans to improve safety and comfort for everyone that uses 35th Ave SW.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Neighborhood House, Room 207
6400 Sylvan Way SW
As the Herald previously reported in March, a number of options are under consideration, all of them involve re-channelling the roadway from four lanes to three, and lowering the speed limit from 35 to 30 mph.