Reminder: Meeting on changes coming to 35th SW tonight; Mayor Murray will be there
35th Ave SW is the focus of a meeting with SDOT, Mayor Murray and community members at Highpoint Neighborhood House July 15. The plans advanced point toward re-channelling traffic and reducing speeds on the busy roadway.
Wed, 07/15/2015
A meeting and presentation by the Seattle Department of Transportation to reveal and discuss changes planned for 35th Ave. SW is taking place tonight at Neighborhood House in Highpoint. The goal of SDOT was to develop strategies to enhance safety for everyone that uses 35th Avenue Southwest. Mayor Ed Murray, will be part of the meeting joined by community members, business owners and SDOT project staff.
Wednesday, July 15
7 to 9 p.m.
Neighborhood House – Room 207
6400 Sylvan Way Southwest
For more information, please see the webpage for the 35th Avenue SW Road Safety Corridor Project at