Log preservationist David Rogers will teach and speak at Log House Museum Aug. 9
David Rogers, a log home preservation expert will speak at the Log House Museum in a demonstration of technique and methods on Aug. 9. Later that evening he will provide a presentation on the importance of preservation of log homes in a fundraising dinner for the Historical Society.
Sat, 07/25/2015
Expert log preservationist David Rogers will be featured in a two part event at West Seattle's Log House Museum on Aug. 9.
Rogers was the contractor for restoration of its “Birthplace of Seattle” Log House Museum 18 years ago.
The Southwest Seattle Historical Society's guest appearances are also supported by 4Culture.
The first event, free and open to the public, will run from 2 to 4 p.m. in the museum’s Circle Courtyard, 3003 61st Ave. S.W., where Rogers will conduct an interactive demonstration of log-restoration techniques and describe in detail the hands-on work he did on the museum.
The second event, a fundraiser for the historical society, is a no-host dinner at West 5 Lounge, 4539 California Ave. S.W. in the West Seattle Junction, at which Rogers will speak about the importance of preserving and restoring log structures. Admission is a $10 donation, payable at the door or online at http://www.loghousemuseum.info/events/welcome-back-david-rogers/. (Any food or drink ordered is in addition to the donation.)
Reservations are being taken for both events at http://www.loghousemuseum.info/events/welcome-back-david-rogers/.
Rogers, who has operated his Logs & Timbers business from Rhododendron, Oregon, since 1983, has successfully helped scores of private organizations and public agencies to achieve their preservation goals.
He inspired countless thousands with his hands-on helming of the Log House Museum’s back (south) wall in 1996-1997. His craftsmanship on behalf of the museum is highlighted in a 6-minute video that is viewable at http://www.loghousemuseum.info/events/welcome-back-david-rogers/.