City seeks feedback on North Delridge Action Plan at Delridge Day
Mon, 08/03/2015
information from City of Seattle
The City of Seattle is collaborating with the North Delridge community to produce a shared vision and action plan to continue the work of improving the health, equity, and vitality of the Delridge community.
At Delridge Day, the project advisory team and City are seeking comments on how the Delridge parks, trails, open spaces and community center programs can best support the diverse community. There will also be an opportunity to review proposed steps the City and neighborhood can take to create great community places along Delridge Way, address drainage and flooding, increase access to healthy food, while making recreation, walking, biking and taking transit an easier choice.
Share your ideas about parks and community development at our booth at Delridge Day.
Saturday, August 8, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Delridge Community Center Playfield
4501 Delridge Way SW
Delridge is an area in West Seattle with a rich heritage that is home to diverse communities and organizations. Over the years, the residents of Delridge have worked with the City to create neighborhood assets such as the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, Longfellow Creek Legacy Trail, Cottage Grove Park, and affordable housing options. Fifteen years have passed since the Delridge community completed their neighborhood plan and there are new opportunities to seize and challenges to meet. The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) and Department of Neighborhoods are leading development of an “Action Plan” for the North Delridge area (primarily within the neighborhood planning area to the north of SW Elmgrove Street).