North Delridge Action Plan workshop Sept 29
Tue, 09/29/2015
Information from Seattle DPD
Join DPD and the Department of Neighborhoods on Tuesday, September 29, for a workshop on the Draft North Delridge Action Plan.
At the workshop you can:
Confirm community priorities for actions the City and community can take to create great community places along Delridge Way, address drainage and flooding, and increase access to healthy food while making recreation, walking, biking, and taking transit an easier choice.
Help provide details for the Healthy Delridge Parks Vision that will identify how park facilities can support a healthy Delridge community.
Join forces with City staff and community organizations to identify the next steps for taking action.
Meeting Details
Tuesday, September 29
Delridge Community Center
4501 Delridge Way SW
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
The City of Seattle is collaborating with the North Delridge community to produce a shared vision and action plan to continue the work of improving the health, equity, and vitality of the Delridge community. To date, we’ve heard that the community’s priorities include:
- Creating more community and cultural gathering places
- Attracting a grocery store and more places to shop and eat
- Improving walking, biking, and transit connections
- Creating more recreation and cultural programs
Light snacks and childcare will be provided.
To learn more about these projects, visit
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