Lisa Herbold entered her election celebration party at the Chelan Cafe to the cheers and applause of her supporters on Jan. 4. She was sworn in as the first District 1 City Council member earlier in the day.
Fresh from her inauguration as the first Distrcit 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold held a celebration for her supporters at the Chelan Cafe on Jan 4. About 50 people were in attendance.
She said the biggest realization upon confirmation of her victory (delayed by a recount) was "I have to make that adjustment from being in a staff role for 18 years to actually leading." Herbold served as a legislative aide to Nick Licata who swore her in earlier. " That sort of surreal experience of realizing I'm going to have to switch gears. I've already felt myself falling into that old more comfortable role even today... answering constituent mail and I'm like, 'no I'll work with my staff' but some of the old habits are also really good habits to have because I'm really committed to the idea of having really strong constituent relations team and making sure we are getting back to people early and on time."
Licata said of his former aide," I was very very impressed with how Lisa is very straightforward about what her goals and objectives are and also how she really understands how she needs to relate to the people in her district. She's got an interesting balance between grass roots constituent work and also big picture. That's what I really admire about her."