On the Go Week of 1-11-16
Mon, 01/11/2016
5th Annual New Start High School Kiwanis Key Club Baked Potato Dinner
New Start High School
614 S.W.120th St.
Thurs., Jan. 14, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Baked potato bar, salad, rolls, dessert and beverages.$15 or 2 for $25/Adults; $25/Family; $7/Children under 12; Free/Children under 5. Tickets at the door or call Bill Tracy, 206.248.2441; billnancytracy@aol.com. Come socialize and enjoy the food and music while supporting the Key Club and student projects. Sponsored by the White Center Kiwanis.
Discovery Shop
4535 California Ave. S.W.
Our Book Blowout starts Sat., Jan. 17 and every hardback is half price. Our paperbacks are mostly $.50. Our popular Picture Event, featuring art, posters, photographs and frames, starts Jan. 22. Stop in on Dr. King's birthday, Jan. 18, and pick a flag at check-out to determine your discount. All blue tagged items are reduced 75% starting Jan. 21. When you shop, donate and volunteer with us, you help us fund a cure for cancer. The all volunteer run nonprofit American Cancer Society Shop regular hours are: Sun., 11–3 p.m.; Mon.–Sat., 10–4:30 p.m. www.discoveryshopwestseattle.org.
Daystar Toastmasters Welcomes Guests
Daystar Retirement Village
2615 S.W. Barton St., Bldg. 2
Sat., Jan. 16, 10–11 a.m. Arrive 10 minutes early for orientation. Come experience the safe, supportive atmosphere in which you can grow your communication and leadership skills. Improve your ability to think-on-your-feet and become more comfortable speaking to groups. Meetings: 1st and 3rd Saturday morning each month. Info: Bill 206.932.6706. http://daystarclub.toastmastersclubs.org.
American Sewing Guild Monthly Meeting
The Kenney
7125 Fauntleroy Way S.W.
Sat., Jan. 16, 10 a.m.–Noon. Molly Wangerin will be talking about her trip to Paris with Marcy Tilton. We will also discuss what you would like to see, hear and do for 2016. All ideas and suggestions are welcome. Be sure to bring your sew and tell and any questions you might have. For more info: Claudia, 937.5774.
Seattle Public School Board District VI Community Meeting
Southwest Branch Library
9010 35th Ave. S.W.
Sat., Jan. 16, 3–4:30 p.m. Director Harris will lead this meeting. Open to the public. Seattle School Board meetings are broadcast live on the Seattle Public Schools education channel, Channel 26 on Comcast. Find complete broadcast schedule at our IBC website. Video of each Board meeting available via the City’s Seattle Channel, usually posted within 24 hours of the meeting. Information: 206.252.0040 / lafode@seattleshools.org.
Morgan Community Association Meeting
The Kenney
Community Room 2, lower level
7125 Fauntleroy Way S.W.
Wed., Jan. 20, 6–6:45 p.m. MoCA. Agenda: Morgan NPSF award status, Morgan Festival planning. New Legislation: proposed Marijuana Zoning Locations, Sound Transit ST-3 and Morgan Junction, Lowman Beach shoreline retaining wall, MoCA Elections for 2016. 7–9 p.m.—Learn about the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) and how it will affect West Seattle. 2 topics/2 items under discussion by the city will be covered: 7–8 p.m.—HALA: An Overview, The Grand Bargain, Focused Outreach and Next Steps, Jesseca Brand, Dept. Neighborhoods. 8–9 p.m.—Detached Accessory Dwelling Units (DADU’s or Backyard Cottages) and Attached Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs or Mother-in-law Apartments), Nick Welch, Dept. Planning/Development. More info: Cindi Barker 933.6968 / cindilbarker@gmail.com.
Delridge Neighborhoods District Council
Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
4408 Delridge Way S.W.
Wed., Jan. 20, 7 p.m.
West Seattle Timebank 1st Potluck and Members Meeting of 2016
Senior Center of West Seattle
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Parking lot off 42nd S.W.
Thurs., Jan. 21. Potluck 6:30–7 p.m., bring a dish to share. Meeting 7–8:30 p.m., member guest speaker. New website: www.westseattletimebank.org. Your friends can submit an application online and learn about the Timebank’s upcoming orientations, events and meetings.
Registration Open for West Seattle Baseball
West Seattle Baseball is a 100% volunteer organization dedicated to teaching kids the game of baseball. In addition to regular season play, all kids ages 7 and older participate in post-season tournaments. Those kids wanting to continue playing have opportunities to play baseball well into the summer in programs such as All Star programs for ages 8–12 years old as well as summer recreation programs including the WS Crush at the Pee Wee fields. WS Baseball welcomes players of all experience levels. West Seattle Baseball is proudly affiliated with the national PONY Baseball organization. Our goals include teaching the fundamentals of baseball and good sportsmanship while building a sense of community among players and their families. Practices begin in March, and the WS Baseball regular season runs from the beginning of April to early June. Register today: westseattlebaseball.com.
Chief Sealth Class of 1966 50-Year Reunion
South Seattle Community College
Brockey Center
6000 16th Ave. S.W.
Sat., Sept. 17, 2016. For details, contact Jim Starkey: james2647@msn.com or 425.641.2647.
West Seattle TOPS Meeting
Providence Mount St. Vincent
4831 35th Ave. S.W.
Every Tues. evening, 5:30–7p.m. Everyone is welcome to join us at our “Take Off Pounds Sensibly” weekly meeting, an encouraging weight loss support group. Weigh-in 5:30–6 p.m. and Meeting 6–7 p.m. Our group encourages healthy living and loss of pounds, with accountability via our weekly weigh-ins. Meetings include informative programs, challenges, awards, encouragement and lots of FUN! TOPS is an extremely affordable program. Convenient and free parking. For more information contact: Linda at 932.3021 or Pat at 935.2186.
West Seattle Lion’s Club Events
Senior Center of West Seattle – 2nd floor
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Thurs., Noon–1:30 p.m. for lunch and speaker unless otherwise noted.
Call Harvey Rowe at 206.762.1221 for reservations by prior Tuesday evening. Lunch $7.
West Seattle Kiwanis Weekly Meeting
Masonic Hall
4736 40th Ave. S.W.
Every Wed., 6:30 p.m. Guests Welcome. People dedicated to community service, and we have FUN, too! Key Clubs at local High Schools plus many other activities.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly
Guadalupe Church–Pastoral Care Center
7000 35th Ave. S.W.
Every Tues., 9:30 a.m. TOPS is an encouraging weight loss support group with weigh-ins every Tuesday. For info: 206.932.2621.
“The Memory Lane Cafe”
2311 California Ave. S.W.
Third Wed. of month, 3–4:30 p.m. For persons with Dementia/Alzheimer’s and their care partners. No judgement or expectations. Just come and be yourself and have a good time! No cost other than your food and drink at happy hour prices! Sponsored by West Seattle Senior Center and Angelina’s Restaurant. Questions: theresamz@seniorservices.org or 206.932.4044
Overeaters Anonymous Meetings
Peace Lutheran Church
8316 39th Ave. S.W.
Every Thurs. evening, 7–8:15 p.m. Overeaters Anonymous is a fellowship of women and men who meet to help solve compulsive overeating (obesity, anorexia and bulimia). The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. OA is a non-profit international organization patterned after the Twelve-Step Alcoholics Anonymous program. All are welcome. For more info 206.979.6665 or www.seattleoa.org.
AARP Defensive Driving Workshop
Daystar Retirement Village
2615 S.W. Barton St.
First Sat. of every month, ongoing, 9–5:30 p.m. $15 for members, $20 non-members. Call 206.937.6122 for info or to RSVP.
Business Network with Westside Professionals
Alki Masonic Hall
4736 40th Ave. S.W.
Every Wed., 8–9:30 a.m. Build your business through referrals and networking. For info, contact sfelix@quidnunc.net
Join the West Seattle Lion’s Club
Senior Center of West Seattle
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Meets every Thurs., Noon–1:30 p.m.
Irish Dance Lessons
West Seattle VFW Hall
3601 S.W. Alaska St.
Every Mon. and Tues. in the late afternoon and early evenings. Open to children and adults. Information at 206.851.2102.
Providence Elizabeth House
3201 S.W. Graham St.
Volunteers for Playing Piano/Entertainment
Every second Thurs., 12:45–1:45 p.m. We need someone to play piano or entertain seniors for an hour or so during Birthday Celebrations.
Volunteers for Sign Language Communication with Deaf
Come in once or twice a month to speak with a senior deaf resident. This would be very beneficial for us to have an opportunity to interact with them as well as provide practice to volunteer who studies or wants to practice using sign language.
BNI West Seattle Champion Meeting
The Kenney
7125 Fauntleroy Way S.W.
Thursdays, 7:45–9:15 a.m. Learn how to grow your business with quality referrals. $10 includes breakfast.
District Council Meetings
Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
4408 Delridge Way S.W.
Third Wed., 7–9 p.m. Representatives from neighborhood councils and other community organizations provide reports on what issues and concerns they are working on and announcements about up-coming community meetings and events.
Stay-at-home dads
Hiawatha Playfield Playground
2700 California Ave. S.W.
Every Mon. and Thurs. at 9 a.m. A resource and community for stay-at-home dads, fathers who are primary caregiver in their family, and other involved dads are welcome. All fathers are invited.
Deadline for receiving Calendar items is Noon Wednesday for the following week’s Friday Herald/News. Events are published based on timeliness and space available. Email submissions as soon as possible to: calendar@robinsonnews.com. Not for profit items only please.